

How Would Your Business Change If You Had
Discover the fantastic CLIENT-MAGNET-FUNNEL for Coaches and Consultants. Use the power of the internet and digital marketing to boost your results and make the Client-Magnet-Machine work for you!

was created and built specifically for your business needs!

Collect leads and build a large customer base to whom you cansend valuable information, offers and promotions.
Deliver the right message at the right moment.
Promote your services with irresistible offers tailored to your customer base.

Create Awareness

Collect Information

Provide your visitors with a page tailored to your target audience, without distractions, so they know what they're getting from you and what next step they need to take.

At the same time, get their contact information and build an extensive customer base. And all of this is automated.

Create a list of
valid emails

Use this CLIENT-MAGNET-FUNNEL to collect email addresses from your visitors and send your offers only to valid and confirmed emails.

The more you engage in a conversation and maintain the communication with your clients, the more they trust you and want more from you.

That's why they say: The money is in the list!

Increase your marketing potential

Use your new database to send promotions to people who are really interested in your offer.

Moreover, you can filter visitors to send them specific information intended only for selected groups. 

Surely you yourself would like to receive only information that is valuable and useful for you, right?

Lead From Interest to Decision

Design your emails
and newsletters to stand out

Use the communication with your customers not only to inform them, but also to provide value-added content and make special offers.

Without a modern, automated communication tool, you will lose potential customers and additional revenue streams!

Offer your digital
products in a member area

Create a private or restricted area to offer your program or service. This is one of the easiest ways to increase user engagement.

This way you'll be able to add value to your clients and automate recurring questions or tasks, freeing up more time for yourself.

Call to Action

Let your customers automatically schedule an appointment

This appointment scheduler is your needed business tool that allows your customers to book, reschedule and cancel appointments.

It also makes things easier for you as a business owner. It allows you to streamline your communication, centralize payments and manage your staff. 

We know that it is not easy to find new clients today

The competition is getting stronger in all industries. That's why we created a real client-magnet machine. It is a specialized funnel designed by professionals to attract those who are really looking for your services. With it, you offer an irresistible offer in exchange for their real contact details.

How will that get me clients?

How is it with you? What attracts you?

Probably information, products and services that you are looking for right now. This is exactly what you do with YOUR CLIENT-MAGNET-FUNNEL, but in a systematized and automated way.

Some statistics:

 It’s estimated that there will be 2.14 billion global digital buyers in 2021.
 81% of consumers conduct online research before making a purchase online.
 58% of people stop doing business with a company because of poor customer experience.
How does this funnel work?

These are web pages that are linked together and trigger certain actions. They direct your customer to a specific action, such as pressing a button.

It's like you're driving down a one-way street. There is only one way in and one way out. This helps your customers because there aren't any distractions.
Once it's set up, everything is fully automated. And you can then easily copy and duplicate it to build multiple CLIENT-MAGNET-FUNNELS like this one to attract even more customers! 

Do I need a new website?
No, you can keep your current website and add this CLIENT-MAGNET-FUNNEL.
You don't need to open a new domain to get started. You can use the domain name of your funnel immediately after setup.

Once you see the huge benefits and incoming leads, we advise you to either A) connect your current domain to your funnel or B) open a new domain specifically related to your service or product.
We will show you exactly the necessary steps. This is done in a few minutes.
How do I activate my funnel?
Click the button below, start your CLIENT-MAGNET-FUNNEL for just $1 and follow the on-screen instructions to import, edit the funnel, and personalize it with your images and information, and that's it.

The last step is to promote your funnel page and wait for your new customers.

We've made it as simple as possible so that even the most tech-illiterate can jump right in.
Why are you doing this?
I have been a consultant, coach and entrepreneur for more than 25 years. In the last 20 years I have worked and spoken with more than 1000 consultants, coaches, psychotherapists and business owners.
The business and the needs of clients have changed. I listen to the challenges that consultants and coaches face on a daily basis.
Since 2020, communication to and with your potential clients and customers has shifted significantly.

Your CLIENT-MAGNET-FUNNEL will give you an advantage and will optimize and simplify your consulting/coaching practice.
Do I need to invest anything?
Only 1$ for the first 30 days. This way you can test everything and see how it supports your business.

You can publish your landingpage for free on your social networks, groups, blogs, magazines, etc. However, the results are much better if you promote it additionally with Google Ads, Facebook Ads or Instagram Ads.

It's up to you how fast you want to scale your business.

A funnel like this ...

... if you bought it through a company or a specialized professional, it would easily cost you up to $4500, plus the monthly amount for hosting. With Builderall, you simply pay $1 for everything for the first month. With this plan, you have a limit of up to 100 registered customers. You start building your list and generating new customers, and through that you will experience how easy it is. Isn't that fantastic?

We also have plans with an unlimited number of customers and you only need to invest in a new plan when your CLIENT-MAGNET-FUNNEL is running, bringing customers and generating revenue for you. And you can make that happen after just one day already!

Thousands of professionals around the world
already use our funnels to leverage their business and are very happy with the results.
To have this true client generating machine
 just click on the button below and register.
This offer may not be available for a long time,

as we only need to offer it to a limited number of professionals due to the support that is required; so be sure to take advantage of the opportunity right now before it is taken off the air.

A selection of testimonials